Fun Day
Universe Custodian Guardians!
Voice of enslaved, gullible, homeless,
oppressed persecuted, struggling
and suffering. The Good people.
1 God's Favorites!!
Universe Custodian Guardians not-for-profit not-
for-violence religious social-justice solutions!
New-Age time-management administrator!
Free education provider, promoting:
Law-GiverManifest: Proclaiming 1 God's
latest message for everyone and making all
previous messages obsolete.
Education a collaboration of
Parents, Educators and medics.
It involves Free-education,
Free health and Apprenticeships
No, homework!
No, non government education!
No, Universities!
Study method is, 'Learn than Teach
(L.T.). L.T. uses Study topics + word-
find to facilitate learning than
teaching. Study topics are based on
the Law-Giver Manifest and current social justice issues. Learning and teaching are continues and ongoing
all life long!
7 Provinces
Why to question ? A need (curiosity, must know, making conversation) arises to ask questions |
When to question ? Now (intelligent, good social skill) |
What to question ? |
How to question ? |