Fun Day  

Universe Custodian Guardians! ​
Voice of enslaved, gullible, homeless, ​
oppressed persecuted, struggling
suffering. The Good people. 
1 God's Favorites!!                  

Translation: Hawaiian Hawaiʻi


Universe Custodian Guardians not-for-profit not-
for-violence religious social-justice solutions! 
New-Age time-management administrator!
Free education provider, promoting:
 Law-GiverManifest: Proclaiming 1 God's
latest ​message for everyone and ​making all
​previous messages obsolete. 


Tell Everyone.  
Whenever you meet them.
We Thank You.  
Your Soul makes you feel
all warm and fuzzy.
1 God takes Note !!!


​1$ support or any small change.
Any support is used to proclaim
1 God's latest message.

mail donation to:
PO BOX 662
Endeavour Hills Vic. 3802

Caring is a human virtue!  
Sharing is a community virtue!
Donating is a personal choice!  
Custodian-Guardian ask you
​to make this choice.  

Fake Charities 

Universe Custodian Guardians do not want
(bingo, lottery...) donations.
Charities that encourage gambling to raise
funds. These Charities are bad. Encoura-
ging gambling is immoral, evil, unaccep-
table for Charities. 
Universe Custodian Guardians do not want
creditcard donations. Charities that encou-
rage creditcard donations. These Charities
are bad. Putting people into debt is
​immoral, evil, unacceptable for Charities. 



Share your time with us.
Become a volunteer.
Help us proclaim
1 God's ​latest message,
the Law-Giver Manifest

After donating:
Be pleased with yourself.
​1 God is pleased with you.
We Thank You!  
​Have a nice rewarding day.

1 God is waiting
​to hear from You!  

Tax-deductible Donations are Tax-
Tax-avoidance is stealing from
the ommunity!
 It is a Crime: MS R6 
Charities that have Tax-deductible donation

status are fake!  They are tax-avoidance 

schemes endorsed by corrupt Government. 
Don't donate to these!  Close down Charity
confiscate assets. Replace, Prosecute  Gov- 
MS R6 

Universe Custodian Guardians
oppose Tax-deductible, creditcard 
donations. T
hey belief you donate
because you care, be supportive.

Not because you are selfish. 

​​​Close these Charities and
don't donate to these!