Fun Day  

Universe Custodian Guardians! ​
Voice of enslaved, gullible, homeless, ​
oppressed persecuted, struggling
suffering. The Good people. 
1 God's Favorites!!                  

Translation: Hawaiian Hawaiʻi


Universe Custodian Guardians not-for-profit not-
for-violence religious social-justice solutions! 
New-Age time-management administrator!
Free education provider, promoting:
 Law-GiverManifest: Proclaiming 1 God's
latest ​message for everyone and ​making all
​previous messages obsolete. 

S C H O L A R - Prayer
 Dear 1 God, Creator of the most beautiful Universe 
​ I shall seek Knowledge, gain Knowledge and apply 
 I endeavour to learn from my 1st until my last breath
 I endeavour to teach & mentor others
 My life-experiences & insights I pass on to the next 
​ generation
 Your most humble faithful custodian-guardian
 For the Glory of 1 God and the Good of Humankind 

Every school has a C.G. Gathering
Private parasitic predatory
​profiteering education ‘Ends’! 

Study method is, 'Learn than Teach 
(L.T.). L.T. uses Study topics + word- 
find to facilitate learning than
teaching. Study topics are based on
the Law-Giver Manifest and current social justice issues. Learning and teaching are continues and ongoing
​all life long!  

1 God is waiting to here from You! 

This prayer is used before start of study alone or in a group in anyplace you like.  

Adrenaline >>>
Burning  >>>

CG Concepts  
No violence 

Planet Earth
a nuclear 
​free zone

?a = ?a


Study Projects:

Education a collaboration of 
Parents, Educators and medics.
It involves Free-education,
Free ​health and Apprenticeships
No, homework!
No, non government education!
No, Universities! 

Free Education a 1 GOD
given right to all people.

Use our translations in your language studies.

Education, free, public is provided by
the Province, Shire. 

​SmeC 'Shire medical, education Complex'
PHeC 'Provincial Hospital, education Complex'
PDEc'Provincial Defense & Emergency center'
CE'Community Emergency service'

​to human body mind

When studying, teaching
not only ​research ​this site
but a ​​variety of others. 

Study Aids

When  finding a well written piece Plagia-
rize ​parts you need and expand 
on these ​(applies ​to Scholars, Educators).  
Run: spell check, grammar check.  
Add: color, images, audio were needed.  
Proof read, if needed make changes. 
Make your work 'Copyright-free', 
​then publish. 

Study from cradle 
​​to cremation !