Universe Custodian Guardians! ​
Voice of enslaved, gullible, homeless, ​
oppressed persecuted, struggling
suffering. The Good people. 
1 God's Favorites!!                  

Translation: Hawaiian Hawaiʻi

Universe Custodian Guardians not-for-profit not-
for-violence religious social-justice solutions! 
New-Age time-management administrator!
Free education provider, promoting:
 Law-GiverManifest: Proclaiming 1 God's
latest ​message for everyone and ​making all
​previous messages obsolete. 

1 GOD  1 FAITH  1 Church 
Universe Custodian Guardians

Western Civilizations ends!
For human survival Custodian Guardian Civilization takes over!

Report Seniors abuse !!!!

Fun Day  


Gas Kills
Smoking Kills
Coal Chokes

Amazonia  Province

Humankind Destiny 
Space Exploration
​Space Colonization

​End Estate of
​Position Power Wealth

Our Faith is our moral 
strength! Our guide, 
Law Giver Manifest

A Shire is home to
​Custodian Guardian
1 God's people !

Food, drink in plastic containers is unhealthy and pollutes. It Ends ! ​Polluters are caged!

​​​End Wealth Apartheid
​end parasitic predatory profiteering Now​​

Homeless are a ​community ​failure! ​​

Cancel Summer Winter Olympics 

​Cruise shipping is Environmental Vandalism! Hold Owners, Crew, Operators, ​Passengers, Accountable!